Got A Question?

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions section below or simply send a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications do you have?

I am a L4 Strength and Conditioning Coach ( also L3 Personal Trainer) specialized in Movement & Mobility and Performance Enhancement. I am also a qualified nutritionist. Read more about my qualifications

How much do you charge?

You can chose from several packages depending on your preferred location, the type of service, training frequency etc. Please get in touch so we can find the best options for you. Start Here

How often do we need to train together?

It’s relative. Even one session can teach you life changing lessons. I have 15 years of experience to share, so the more time we can spend together, the more I can teach you. However, to help you build sustainable habits, I would recommend to work together twice a week for 3months at least.

Can I train with a friend / relative?

Of course! Good idea. We just adjust the numbers in the diet so each of you have their own target and tweak the training a bit for maximum stimulus for the both of you.

Can you train me at my house or in the park?

Yes. I am happy to travel and train you at the location of your choice. Let me know what would be ideal to you and let’s discuss the possibilities. Contact me

What equipments do I need to have?

It’s great if you already have equipment as it gives us more freedom, but don’t worry if you don’t have anything. When we train together I can provide equipment and if necessary, we can find something that you can use when training on your own.

Are you going to put me on a strict diet?

No. Instead, I will teach you how to fuel your body. We will pick a realistic calorie target depending on your goals and under my guidance you will have the freedom of making your own food and drink choices. I will share sample meals and plans with you, but you will have the freedom to tailor them to your taste.

I have physical limitations, is that a problem?

Hopefully not. I have experience working with adaptive athletes; with people who had heart or other major surgeries; or has chronic disease, diabetes, asthma, musculoskeletal issues, arthritis, etc. To give you the best answer, we need to speak about your condition. Contact me

Do you offer a trial session?

Yes. When we are having our initial consultation we will speak about how can you try a session without signing up for a package. Start Here

How do I start?

Click here. Once you filled out the form I’ll contact you and we discuss every detail. Availability, location, packages, action plan and any other business. It’s a no commitment open conversation so you won’t have to decide if you wish to progress right away.

Get In Touch!

I am happy to hear from you! Send me a message and I will do my best to get back to you within one working day. 

Reduce Pain & Live Limitless.

Register your interest and secure your consultation! Simply click on the button, tell me a bit about yourself and I will reach out to you as soon as possible. We will speak about your current situation and come up with an approach that aligns with your goals.