Reduce pain. Improve performance. Live limitless.
Correct dysfunctions, learn to move with intention and own your body at its best. Soft tissue therapy. Movements. Coaching.
Beginners & gym newbies
Sportives & gym goers
Athletes & competitors
Fitness Professionals
Come And Learn How To
Unlock Your Full Potential. I Am Here To TEACH YOU
Get rid of your niggles, hit your all time best in the upcoming sportive season and learn to move with ease. I teach methods and perform soft tissue treatments so you can enjoy your body at its best.
Come and joint the movement.
Get the highest and best use of your time.
Train smarter, do less, achieve more.
Fix your real problems and build sustainable habits.
Learn to do it all on your own.
In the gym (SW8/SE24 London). At your preferred location. Online.
Personal training is an exciting way to offer life changing knowledge to the individual. This practice can be utilized by anyone, anywhere, providing convenience and flexibility to all.
Some extra attention and care help the body function and recover better. Give it what it needs in the form of sports massage, dry cupping, or electro muscle stimulation (EMS).
The training plans, guides, courses and workshops provide you the option to chose your specific subjects and learn on your own preferred way both in person and online.
My Mission
I believe that living in pain is not normal and it can be changed. I trust if you fuel your body well, it will reward you with a great looking physique. I know that the right stimulus will make you faster, stronger, fitter and more capable. I say being able to move without limitations is gold. And I believe you deserve to have them all.
I want to help you discover and go beyond your limits. To encourage you to be more active, teach the connection between your daily habits, training and well-being, to show how they affect each other and guide you to improve them all. My mission is to maximize your potential. Come and join the Movement.
“Doing sessions with him was the one of the best decision I’ve ever made. My mobility keeps getting better and better and I’m feeling great.” – Henry
“Training with Adam is like a fascinating learning journey. I highly recommend him as a coach and would encourage everybody to try.” – Maria
“I notice massive improvements since I’ve been working with him. Following Adam’s course has been a great investment in my practice, in my health and in my future.” – Claudia
Reduce Pain & Live Limitless.
Register your interest and secure your consultation! Simply click on the button, tell me a bit about yourself and I will reach out to you as soon as possible. We will speak about your current situation and come up with an approach that aligns with your goals.
Beginners & Gym newbies
It doesn’t matter whether you are in your early twenties or late fifties, our body is supposed to support us and not hold us back. At one point you will realize that time is flying by and your body’s response to it is not as good as it used to be. Maybe it was never really good in the first place and now you decided it is time for a change. Maybe you were never interested in learning about your body until recently but now you are ready to try something new – participate in fitness classes, work out in the gym, start running, play a sport, complete an obstacle course, change your body shape, etc. – but you don’t know where to begin.
Don’t worry, you are in good hands. I have a system that prioritizes the most important principles that every human being should know. Someone who is at the beginning of their journey does not have to give up on their “old life” from one day to the other so the first thing I do is make sure we create sustainable habits so you don’t feel you only follow commands and soon you will see how these choices improve your future.
This is as true to nutrition as to training. For example, I know how hard it is for a parent to cook a meal for the family and for them calculating macronutrients is not a priority, yet they still want results so I teach them how to make better decisions in their everyday life so they achieve them anyway. I wrote a book on it, you can see yourself the options are endless when it comes to your diet – and the good thing is you don’t have to know everything because I’m here to teach you the relevant topics one piece at a time along your journey.
Training is a little different. You might not even want to go to a gym, and it’s great. I train a lady who is in her seventies and her goal is to keep fit so she is able to go on her walks, play with her grandchildren and live life without feeling pain throughout the day. She is not impressed by the gym or the weights but is really happy to work on her mobility, learned to breathe better, pays more attention to the way she moves and she is still getting stronger.
I also train a gentleman who is in his forties and realized he spent the last 25years sitting behind a desk and what once looked really easy to do – for example resting in a squat position for a few minutes as children do – now seems impossible. He would like to have a better future but he works 70hours a week, so we find ways to improve his limitations in different ways. Where is a will there is always a way.
I train mums who have busy days and their body aches from holding their child on one side of the body all the time and find it really difficult to lose weight because of their irregular habits and lifestyle, yet when we apply a few easy principles in their daily routine their bodyweight starts to drop.
Some of my clients are really young professionals or students who learned the importance of keeping their bodies healthy the hard way and they realized they need help. I teach them how to move better, motivate them and show them their potential and help them gain confidence.
As you see, I work with a wide variety of people. Everybody is unique so I always find the solution and tailor it to the individual. Giving you a long list of things to complete will not always work so I don’t do it. Teaching you, showing you a better approach and making you discover your potential will. Look around on the website to see how can I help you and please get in touch for a consultation.
If you think you are on a more advanced level, check out the Sportive people & Gym goer category.
Sportive people & Gym goers
I think the majority of the population belongs to this category. You might have a few events under your belt, maybe ran a half or a full marathon, have completed a triathlon or you often play sports, hit the gym or participate in classes multiple times a week. Overall, you have some experience, you do your chosen activity because you find pleasure in it but maybe you don’t want to make more sacrifices and you are not making a living out of it.
My aim is to help you to find ways to make these events more enjoyable at the present and more beneficial for your future – without putting too much stress on you. Some people need to work on mobility restrictions so they can perform movements in a greater range of motion and feel better during the day. Others need to learn to control their body better and let’s not forget about the people who need to become stronger. In my approach, I’m looking to find the most optimal combination of these three. I often add nutrition to the mixture after evaluating the individual’s unique goals and situation.
Although we do our beloved activities for fun, we still greatly benefit from knowing how to train and move efficiently and effectively. There will be a time when you might think you have already spent time doing something so you might as well try to do it better. I help you learn how to listen to your body and teach you what to do when it starts giving you signals if something isn’t good. We practice various self-body maintenance techniques that you can perform on your own so you can recover better and move more freely.
I present an approach that changes the way you look at your body. I’m showing you the connection between positions and movements so the way you move during the day benefits your activities. Becoming better means something else for all of us but in reality, less pain and limitations, more freedom in moving, a higher work capacity and a bit better-looking physique are what many of us want.
Over the last year, I’ve been working with AJ who came to me because he wanted to lose weight, improve his running and gain confidence in the gym. Fast forward a couple of months, he shaved off 30mins of his half marathon time, finished his first marathon and lost 20kilos. He is happy to go to the gym on his own and goes out running, yet he still doesn’t have to say no to a drink or to living his life. We followed the same idea of increasing his range of motion, building up his strength and improving his eating habits – by the way, did I mention he is vegan?!
I also work with a lady in her thirties who had never really found a way of exercising that she enjoyed but now she is happy to work out on her own 2-3 times a week. Back in the day she used to have issues with her shoulders and hips, but today she is proud to do a handstand and squat down and stand up on a single leg and doesn’t even think about those old days when exercising was a curse and everything hurt anyway.
I could also mention the guy who had 15years of weight lifting experience but he had been doing the same things in the last decade with no results. Together we transformed his training and movement habits so he is noticing gains again. My idea of guiding you at this point doesn’t happen in a military style. I know you do it for fun and I want you to get more benefits out of whatever that is what you do.
Our needs differ by degree and not by kind, so the question is, how much are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals? If you are the kind of person who likes to go all-in and have full control over their life, check out the Athletes & Competitors category.
Athletes & Competitors
I think it’s the mindset that makes someone an athlete. In fact, I think the only difference between an athlete and a competitor is the participation in a competition. There are people out there who work just as hard – if not harder – than a competitor but they don’t compare themselves with others in events.
You don’t only train when you feel like doing it. You have your goals, you are searching for new ways to improve your performance and you make sacrifices when it’s time to. You get the job done even on the days when it feels hard and you accept that occasionally you will have to do things that you don’t enjoy doing – because your end goal is more precious for you than your current state.
I salute you hard working people. And I’m here to push to achieve peak condition. At this level, it’s not about likes and dislikes anymore. It’s about results. I know some of you have finished the most challenging events and are eager to find out if you have any limits. I know you have those small niggles but your determination is stronger than the voice in your head that complains about them. I tell you what though: imagine if the voice was also supporting you. Imagine if your body was in a balanced, optimal condition. Imagine if you could complete your training 110% because there is nothing holding you back. No difference between left and right sides, no little aches after your workout. Just pure high-level performance.
I teach the art of moving and feeling the body to physique competitors. I emphasize the importance of strength training to endurance athletes and to anyone who neglects it. I promote mobility and soft tissue work to runners, weight lifters and yoga practitioners. I periodize and program training cycles for individuals and groups.
I have the testing protocols that highlight any issue in seconds so we can work on the most crucial areas. This often doesn’t look fancy but the results speak for themselves. I work with a powerlifter and for him to increase his total the secret was in learning to control his feet better. Simple, isn’t it? Is it a common thing in most strength programs? Not really.
When you come to me with your problem, we do a needs analysis to see what areas are inevitable to work on to make you faster, stronger, more resilient and agile. I work with a gentleman who can easily run a 5min mile or cycle 200miles in one go and just get off the bike as if nothing has happened. When it comes to everyday life however things get real pretty quick: to tie a shoelace or take something off from the top shelf becomes a challenge so we work on restoring range of motion and strengthening weak areas. And guess what, by doing this his running and cycling times improve too.
When teaching an athlete I prioritize the most important tasks and sometimes it’s just not possible to introduce the complete system. However, if you are interested or you work with people and teach others check out what I do for Fitness Professionals.
Fitness Professionals
I believe it’s really important to have a system in place when it comes to teaching someone how to move better or when chasing results. Even if a goal looks simple there are a couple of fundamental principles that can’t be neglected. In my practice, I break it down into four categories in order of importance. This not only gives a systematic, easy to follow strategy with testing protocols, but also helps other professionals to have a broader picture of how to work with others.
The AWAKEN category is about the basics, the ones that every human being should know and practice – this is the foundation of the human movement. I think we agree breathing is important, but we often don’t use it in the way so it benefits us – by creating more stability – so we need to learn how to. It’s also crucial to understand what neutral is – pelvis, shoulder, foot, etc. We have to all understand what shapes the spine can get into, should be in and how to control those shapes throughout the day. It’s also important that everybody learns to use the primary movers which are the hip and the shoulder, so when it comes to picking up objects and other everyday activities we are less vulnerable (good breathing + stable spine + using the hip as an engine = good position, little chance to hurt the lower back). Knowing how to work on mobility and soft tissue is also very important so when something does not feel right we can correct that. Without these foundational elements, one’s capabilities are very limited. I work with a gentleman who is in his late sixties and wants to live his life but his lower back and knee issues are limiting him in doing so. He doesn’t want to lift but when he learned to breathe and brace his spine better and started to move with a higher purpose, his symptoms started to disappear. These easy principles were enough to make his life better.
In the BUILD category, we pull up the walls on that foundation. This means learning how to achieve full range of motion and execute the exercises using the correct movement patterns. It’s important to implement warm-up and preparation work for more efficiency and better results. To improve the compound lifts it’s necessary to develop a mind-muscle connection and to know what isolation and other exercises are the best. Because it’s still a learning period, the movements are not too complex, they are not powerful and don’t require a change of direction multiple times within one exercise. The goal is to teach the individual how to use certain parts of the body and to learn how not to overcompensate in a movement, basic hypertrophy and strength training in the best circumstances. I coach a young lady who is really interested in Olympic weightlifting but she needs to get stronger in her squat position and learn how to stabilize her shoulder better first so a powerful movement will not hurt her as she catches the weight above her head in a fraction of a second – these positions need to be learned in a safe environment first.
In the PERFORM phase, we turn up the heat. At this point, you can control your body easily and confidently in a full range of motion. You can achieve shapes and positions with no problem so it’s time to challenge them by adding speed, power and multi-directional elements to them. Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, playing your sport and everything that requires you to perform well in an autopilot mode belongs to this category. Until you are having a hard time extending your arm fully above your head while you are standing or are not strong enough to hold yourself in a handstand position, you will not be able to perform complex movements. At this level everything is necessary that we mentioned earlier: breathing, stability, full ROM, strength, motor control – and they all to perfectly align in a fraction of a second. I train a young guy who is eager to learn to walk on his hands. After making sure the foundations are good, we can start doing specific drills to teach him how it feels to walk upside down.
LIMITLESS. That’s what you become if you master the previous three categories. You have the highest level of body awareness. Bring up any movement and you will be able to perform it, because by this point you have no mobility restrictions – and if you may have, you know how to work on it. You are stable like a rock, you have amazing body control, you are strong and you are trained. You learn new skills and adapt easily. When you move, everything looks effortless. For a trained eye it’s an art, for the novice it’s mind-blowing.